September 7, 2024

XKCD Web Comic #997: Wait Wait (described)

A webcomic of romance,
sarcasm, math, and language.


Caption above comic:

Headlines Stockpiled in Case Peter Sagal, Host of NPR ‘s Wait wait Don’t tell me, Does Something Newsworthy in 2012

Each panel looks like the front page of a newspaper, most with a small “photo”.

Panel One: Wait Wait Don’t Shoot Me

NPR’s Sagal in Whole Foods Hostage Standoff

“Photo” of stick figure wearing a ski mask and holding a gun on a stick figure Sagal.

Panel Two: Wait Wait Don’t Vote for Me

Peter Sagal Quits Race for GOP Top Spot

“Photo” of a stick figure Sagal standing behind a lectern with two other stick figures, one on each side.

Panel Three: Wait Wait Don’t Judge Me

Sagal Opens Up About His Kermit Fantasy

Side by side “photos” of a stick figure Sagal and Kermit

Panel Four: Wait Wait Don’t Fire Me

Peter Sagal Let Go After Racist Tirade

Close-up “Photo” of a stick figure Sagal

Panel Five: Wait Wait Don’t Cancel Me

“Photo” of a stick figure with long hair standing behind an NPR lectern with two other stick figures, one on each side.

NPR Axing News Quiz

Panel Six: Wait Wait Don’t Interrupt Me

Sagal Stabs Karl Kasell in On-Air Dispute

“Photo” of a stick figure Sagal holding a knife overhead

Panel Seven: Wait Wait Don’t Look at Me

Peter Saga’s Poison Ivy Ordeal

“Photo” of a stick figure Sagal covered with bumps

Panel Eight: Wait Wait Don’t Friend Me

Peter Sagal Deletes His Facebook Account

“Photo” of a stick figure Sagal holding an open laptop

Panel Nine: Wait Wait Don’t Seduce Me

How Laksmi Singh Stole Sagals’ Heart

Close-up “Photo” of a stick figure Sagal with a long-haired stick figure in the background

Panel Ten: Wait Wait Don’t Leave Me

Sagal’s Wife Out After Affair

“Photo” of a long-haired stick figure carrying a suitcase in the foreground and a stick figure Sagal with outstretched arms in the background

Panel Eleven: Wait Wait Don’t Spray Me

Police Raid Sagal’s Occupy NPR Protest

“Photo” of a stick figure wearing riot gear pepper spraying a stick figure Sagal

Panel Twelve:  Wait Wait Don’t Indict Me

Sagal, Five Others Named in Cash-For-Tote-Bags Scandal

“Photo” of a stick figure Sagal wearing handcuffs and being held between two stick figures wearing police caps

Panel Thirteen: Wait Wait Don’t Clone Me

Peter Sagal ‘Outraged’ Over DNA Harvesting

“Photo” of a stick figure Sagal standing behind a lectern, one fist raised in the air

Panel Fourteen: Wait Wait Don’t Bust Me

Peter Sagal’s Ghost Captured

“Photo” of two ghostbuster stick figures holding a ghostly stick figure Sagal in a proton beam

Panel Fifteen: Wait Wait Don’t Dissect Me

Snoozing Sagal Nearly Snuffed in Autopsy Snafu

“Photo” of a stick figure Sagal sitting up on an autopsy table and a stick figure running away

Panel Sixteen: Wait Wait Don’t Objectify Me

Peter Sagal is More Than Just a Piece of Meat

No “photo”

Panel Seventeen: Wait Wait Don’t Beatify Me

Peter Sagal Rebukes Pope

“Photo” of a stick figure Sagal, one fist raised in the air, looking at a picture of the Pope

Panel Eighteen: Wait Wait Don’t Me

Peter Sagal Accidentally

“Photo” of a stick figure Sagal upside down

Panel Nineteen: Wait Wait Don’t Speak Its Name

Peter Sagal Wakes Eldritch Terror

“Photo” of blackness with giant eyes

Panel Twenty: Wait Wait Even For NPR This is a Bit Much

This American Life to Document the Road to Recovery for Those Who Suffer the Trauma of Losing on Wait Wait

No “photo”

Hover text: You can’t stab Karl Kasell. He sounds all slow and stentorian, but he moves like a snake.


Comic by Described by BlindGadget under the Creative Commons license.


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